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起批 1-3台 4-5台 5台以上
价格 1550000.00 1500000.00 1450000.00
物流: 物流:15000.00   物流:13000.00   物流:11000.00  
品牌: 开山
销量: 累计出售 0
评价: 已有 0 条评价
人气: 已有 173 人关注
更新: 2021-06-07
数量: 减少 增加台 库存5台
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KJ311型全液压掘进钻车/K30 Hydraulic Tunneling Drilling Rig

用途及特点/ Application and Features


KJ311 hydraulic tunneling drilling rig is specially designed for the extremely inclined tunnel, with the maximum slope standing at 25. It is

suitably qualified for the drilling of hard rock mine whose section falls in the range of 12-35 square meters



 The firm flexible boom is capable of optical coverage of the section; 360 rotation and self-leveling boom make drill positioning easy;

The boom can also be used for the drilling of lateral cross-cut and rock bolting


 The drill rig is capable of the advancing beams translation, automatic suspension of drilling of end hole, slag blowing at the hole bottom

and electronic impulse lubrication, thus leading to few operations and improve drilling efficiency;


The stepped piston is used for the high-frequency impacting rock drill and this can improve the transmission efficiency of impact wave and

drilling speed and reduce the consumption of drilling tools and make it in good condition;


Considerable space and automatic functions enable the driver to concentrate on drilling in a safe, fast and accurate manner;


The drill rig provides a good view for the operator; All the relevant parts are kept in good protection, meanwhile maintenance easily


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